Charles O. Whitman 1888-1907
Frank R. Lillie 1908-1925
Merkel H. Jacobs 1926-1937
Charles Packard 1938-1949
Philip B. Armstrong 1950-1965
H. Burr Steinbach 1966-1969
James D. Ebert 1970-1975
Keith R. Porter 1976
James D. Ebert 1977
Paul R. Gross 1978-1985
Richard Whittaker (Acting Director) 1986
Harlyn O. Halvorson 1987-1991
John E. Burris 1992-2000
William T. Speck 2001-2005
Gary G. Borisy 2006-2012
Joan V. Ruderman 2012-2014
Arthur M. Sussman 2014-2015
Huntington F. Willard 2015-2017
Melina Hale and Neil Shubin 2017-2018
Nipam Patel 2018-
Suggested citation
Facemire, Challie. 2018. "The Marine Biological Laboratory." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
A Convening Place
- Allen, Garland. 1989. Introduction to 100 Years Exploring Life 1888-1988: The Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
- Maienschein, Jane. 1989. 100 Years Exploring Life 1888-1988: The Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
- Maienschein, Jane. 2013. “The Marine Biological Laboratory.” MBL History Project article.
Dual Mission
- MacCord, Kate, and Jane Maienschein. 2018. “Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory.” eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0027989
MBL Directors 1888-2018
- MacCord, Kate, and Jane Maienschein. 2018. “Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory.” eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0027989
Select Scientific Notables
- Allen, Garland, Dletrich, Michael, Huber, Florian. 2016. "Victor Hamburger and Experimental Embryology." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
- Elliott, Steve. 2009. "Jocques Loeb." The Embryo Project Encyclopedia.
- LaTourelle, J.J. 2016. "Squids, Axons, and Action Potentials: Stories of Neurobiological Discovery." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
- LaTourelle, Jonathan Jacob. 2015. "The Neurobiology of Vision at the MBL." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
- Lowe, James. 2016. "Shinya Inoué: Capturing Dynamic Cellular Processes." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
- Maienschein, Jane. 2015. "Edwin Grant Conklin." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
- Nobel Prize. 2018. "Albert Szent-Gyorgyi - Biographical." The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,
- Steinert, Beatrice and Jane Maienschein. 2016. "Edmund Beecher Wilson." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
- Turriziani Colonna, Federica. 2016. "Envisioning the MBL: Whitman's Efforts to Create an Independent Institution." MBL History Project digital exhibit.
Women at the MBL
- MBL. ND. "Women of Science at the MBL." MBL Website.
Woman's Education Association
- The Harvard Crimson. ND. "Anderson School of Natural History at Penikese Island." The Harvard Crimson.
- Massachusetts Historical Society. 2018. "Woman's Education Association (Boston, Mass.) Records." Massachusetts Historical Society Collection Guides.
- Marine Biological Laboratory. ND. "History of the MBL." Marine Biological Laboratory website.
- SNAC. 2018. "Woman's Education Association (Boston, Mass.)." Social Networks and Archival Context website.
- Starr Jordan, David. 2018. "Louis Agassiz Swiss-American Scientist and Educator." Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Woods Hole Community
- Children's School of Science. ND. "Children's School of Science of Woods Hole."
- The Collecting Net. 1927. "Mixer Marks Start of Social Season." The Collecting Net. p 1.
- The Collecting Net. 1927. "Episcopal Church Entertains M.B.L.." The Collecting Net. p 4.
- Woods Hole Cantata. ND. "History." The Woods Hole Canata Consort website.