Sloop Alice S. Thistle and Cat Boat both while sailing near shore in Woods Hole
Aerial image of Woods Hole with title "100 Year Exploring Life, 1888-1988"
Photograph of Instructors at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Overlay of photograph of Instructors at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Photograph of scientists in a Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Overlay of photograph of scientists in a Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Overlay of photograph of scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Photograph of scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Overlay of photograph of scientists and students at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Photograph of scientists and students at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1893
Photograph of investigators at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Overlay to photograph of investigators at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Photograph of investigators and faculty at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Alternative overlay to photograph of investigators and faculty at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Overlay to photograph of investigators and faculty at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Photograph of 10 scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Overlay to photograph of 10 scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1894
Photograph of students, faculty and researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895
Numbered overlay of photograph of students, faculty and researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895
Photograph of course faculty at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895
Overlay of photograph of course faculty at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895
Key to photograph of students, faculty and researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895
Photograph of Vertebrate Course participants at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895
Overlay of photograph of Vertebrate Course participants at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 1895