Although its survival, or hardiness, in captivity has made Fundulus a desirable laboratory organism in some respects, it also presented a set of challenges for embryologists like Trinkaus. First, Fundulus’s spawning season in the waters of Cape Cod is short, occurring mainly in June and July, and it is a difficult organism to breed in a laboratory setting. Second, Fundulus have a very tough chorion, the protective membrane shell that envelops the egg. Consequently, dechorionation, the microsurgical intervention of removing this shell without damaging the embryo, is very challenging. In his memoirs, Trinkaus describes developing a microscopic technique using sharpened Swiss Dumont watchmaker forceps to overcome this challenge (Trinkaus 2003, 95). In fact, Trinkaus became so skilled at dechorionating Fundulus eggs that his colleagues dared him to do it after a long evening at the Cap’n Kidd, the local pub in Woods Hole (Trinkaus 2003, 133). Trinkaus accepted the challenge and successfully carried out the procedure, although he admitted that it required more time and concentration given his inebriated state. And, last, Fundulus eggs contain large lipid droplets that slowly move throughout the yolk, which can block an embryologist’s view of the embryo. These lipids help the eggs to sink to the bottom of the water in Fundulus’s natural environment and serve as nutrients for the developing embryo. Trinkaus claimed that the “droplets were placed there by a vengeful Old Testament God to bug the experimental embryologist” (Trinkaus 2003, 96). Despite his frustration, Trinkaus figured out a way to overcome this nuisance by sucking out the lipids with a fine suction pipette.
- Atz, James W. "Fundulus heteroclitus in the laboratory: a history." American zoologist 26, no. 1 (1986): 111-120.
- Betchaku, Teiichi, and J. P. Trinkaus. “Programmed endocytosis during epiboly of Fundulus heteroclitus.” American zoologist 26, no. 1 (1986): 193-199.
- Davis, Edward M., and J. P. Trinkaus. "Significance of cell-to-cell contacts for the directional movement of neural crest cells within a hydrated collagen lattice." Journal of embryology and experimental morphology 63, no. 1 (1981): 29-51.
- DuPont, Ellen M. "John Philip Trinkaus (1918-2003)." Embryo Project Encyclopedia (2012).
- Goodrich, H. B., and J. P. Trinkaus. "The differential effect of radiations on mendelian phenotypes of the goldfish, Carassius auratus." The Biological Bulletin 77, no. 2 (1939): 192-199.
- Goodrich, H. B., and J. P. Trinkaus. "The differential effect of radiations on mendelian phenotypes of the goldfish, Carassius auratus." The Biological Bulletin 77, no. 2 (1939): 192-199.
- Goodrich, H. B., N. D. Josephson, J. P. Trinkaus, and Jeanne M. Slate. "The cellular expression and genetics of two new genes in Lebistes reticulatus." Genetics 29, no. 6 (1944): 584-592.
- Keller, Ray, Wallis H. Clark, and Frederick Griffin (Eds.) Gastrulation: Movements, Patterns, and Molecules. New York: Plenum Press, 1991.
- Kimmel, Charles B., and James A. Weston. "An overview of Trink's scientific accomplishments." Developmental Dynamics 228, no. 4 (2003): 586-587.
- Saunders, John W. "Trink, the man." Developmental Dynamics 228, no. 4 (2003): 588-590
- Schoenwolf, Gary C. "Trink: His life, his philosophy." Developmental Dynamics 228, no. 4 (2003): 591-593.
- Tickle, Cheryll A., and J. P. Trinkaus. "Change in surface extensibility of Fundulus deep cells during early development." Journal of cell science 13, no. 3 (1973): 721-726.
- Tickle, Cheryll A, and J. P. Trinkaus. "Observations on nudging cells in culture." Nature 261, no. 5559 (1976): 413-413.
- Trinkaus, J. Philip. "Factors concerned in the response of melanoblasts to estrogen in the Brown Leghorn fowl." Journal of Experimental Zoology 109, no. 1 (1948): 135-169.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. "The surface gel layer of Fundulus eggs in relation to epiboly." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35, no. 4 (1949): 218.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. "A study of the mechanism of epiboly in the egg of Fundulus heteroclitus." Journal of Experimental Zoology 118, no. 2 (1951): 269-319.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. "The differentiation of tissue cells." American Naturalist (1956): 273-289.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. “Procurement, maintenance and use of Fundulus eggs,” Methods in Developmental Biology. F.H. Wells and N.K. Wessells (Eds.) Crowell, New York: 1967, 113-122.
- Trinkaus, J. P. "The cellular basis of Fundulus epiboly. Adhesivity of blastula and gastrula cells in culture." Developmental biology 7 (1963): 513-532.
- Trinkaus, J. P. "Surface activity and locomotion of Fundulus deep cells during blastula and gastrula stages." Developmental biology 30, no. 1 (1973): 68-103.
- Trinkaus, J. P. "Mechanism of Fundulus epiboly—a current view." America n Zoologist 24, no. 3 (1984): 673-688.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. Cells into organs: the forces that shape the embryo. (2nd Ed.) New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. “Directional cell movement during early development of the teleost Blennius Pholis. I. Formation of epithelial cell clusters and their pattern and mechanism of movement.” Journal of Experimental Zoology 245 (1988a): 157-186.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. “Directional cell movement during early development of the teleost Blennius Pholis. II. Transformation of the cells of epithelial clusters into dendritic melanocytes, their dissociation from each other, and their migration to and invasion of the pectoral fin buds.” Journal of Experimental Zoology 248 (1988b): 55-72.
- Trinkaus, John Philip. Embryologist: My Eight Decades in Developmental Biology. J&S Publishing Company, 2003