- John Philip Trinkaus
- Early Life
- Trink’s Undergraduate Research at Wesleyan University
- Trink's First Visit to the MBL
- Trink and the MBL Embryology Course
- Trink's Graduate Research at Johns Hopkins University
- New Location & New Research Problem
- Fundulus as Choice Organism
- Trink's work on the Yolk Syncytial Layer (YSL) in Fundulus Epiboly
- Trink’s MBL Research on Cell Motility with C. A. Tickle
- Conclusion
- Alfred Huettner
- Cathy Norton
- China at the MBL: 1920-1945
- Collecting at the MBL
- Cyclins at the MBL
- Edmund Beecher Wilson
- Edwin Grant Conklin
- Envisioning the MBL: Whitman’s Efforts to Create an Independent Institution
- Eugene Bell Center for Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering 2010-2018
- Shinya Inoué: Capturing Dynamic Cellular Processes
- Squids, Axons, and Action Potentials: Stories of Neurobiological Discovery
- The Biological Bulletin
- The Ecosystems Center (1975-2018)
- The MBL Embryology Course 1939
- The Marine Biological Laboratory
- The Neurobiology of Vision at the MBL
- Using Biodiversity
- Collecting Methods & Surveys
- “Report upon the Invertebrate Animals of Vineyard Sound and Adjacent Waters, with an account of the Physical Features of the Reg
- “A Biological Survey of the Waters of Woods Hole and Vicinity. Part III. A Catalogue of the Marine Fauna” (1913)
- Methods for Obtaining and Handling Marine Eggs and Embryos (1957)
- Experiments
- Supply & Sale
- Collecting Methods & Surveys
- Viktor Hamburger and Experimental Embryology
- Visual Media in Embryology
- Woods Hole 150
Beyond the MBL, Cathy was a Justice of the Peace for 39 years, marrying many happy couples on the beaches and back porches of Cape Cod.
Everyone who knew her has a "Cathy story" – how she inspired them with a project, connected them with another collaborator, worked her "magic" to make the seemingly impossible a reality, or made them laugh, especially with stories of weddings she presided over.
Suggested citation
The MBLWHOI Library staff. 2017. "Cathy Norton." MBL History Project digital exhibit. http://history.archives.mbl.edu/exploring/exhibits/cathy-norton