A range of people using a variety of tools have taken on the job of collecting marine organisms since the MBL was first established in 1888. People ranging from scientists, boat captains, and hired collectors have all employed various tools, from the simple to the complex, to obtain organisms. Methods of collecting have changed somewhat over the decades, but in many ways they remain the same. This chapter provides an overview of the types of methods and tools used to collect organisms, along with stories of the experiences of each.
Suggested citation
Madison, Paige. 2016. "Collecting @ the MBL." MBL History Project Digital Exhibit. Available online: http://history.archives.mbl.edu/exploring/exhibits/collecting-mbl
- Dolgin, Elie, “The Squid Collector,” http://www.nature.com/news/not-your-average-technician-1.16785
- “John J. Valois, Obituary” http://www.mbl.edu/obituaries/john-j-valois/
- “John Valois, Longtime Specimen Collector and Naturalist, Honored at the Marine Biological Laboratory,” July 12, 2011, http://hermes.mbl.edu/news/press_releases/2011/2011_pr_07_12.html
- The Collecting Net Spring 2006, Vol. 2, No. 1 http://hermes.mbl.edu/publications/collecting_net/2006/06_01net06.html Accessed on July 16, 2015.
- Maienschein, Jane, and Ruth Davis. 100 years exploring life, 1888-1988: the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1989.
- “MBL Moment with Dave Remsen,” MBL Catalyst January 2014, p 12-13. http://www.mbl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Catalyst.Winter13-14.web_.pdf Accessed on July 16, 2015.
- Williams, Wendy. Kraken: The Curious, Exciting, and Slightly Disturbing Science of Squid. Abrams, 2011.