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Cole sitting at his lab bench, next to a microscope.
Henshaw sitting in a rocking chair on a porch with a hat in his lap.
Komai is sitting at a lab bench, facing the camera, with a microscope.
Cowdry is sitting at a lab bench with a microscope.
Visscher sitting at his lab bench with his left arm resting against the table. Next to him, lies a piece of lab equipment.
Mast is standing outdoors, looking toward the right frame of the photograph with his hands behind his back. He is wearing an open jacket over a white shirt and bowtie.
Winkley sitting on a stone wall with her right arm wrapped around a dog.
Alvarez sitting in an office, facing the camera.
Parker is seated on a low stone wall facing the camera with his ankles crossed. There is a building and a grass lawn in the background, and he is holding a hat in his hands.
An unidentified man standing in front of a large body of water. He is holding a hat in his left hand and a boat can be seen on the water behind him.
Blake sitting at his lab bench working with a microscope.
An unidentified man stands outdoors in front of a tree. He has a cigarette in his mouth and his hands are in his pockets.
