Whitman, Charles Otis
Talks about Ginn & Co. publisher, and says they couldn't come to an agreement, therefore Whitman didn't pay them. Also discusses the idea of making the MBL a permanent lab.
Discusses accommodations.
Says that Crane wishes to meet Conklin along with Morgan, Wilson, and MacFarlane.
Dolbeau congratulating Whitman for the endorsement of the Biology Department of the University of Chicago
Mr. Grant Smith was selected to work in the Carnegie Lab at the MBL.
Discusses Conklin's paper that will be published as a self-standing issue.
Mayer writing regarding his work and how he wants Whitman to publish it.
Says he has secured two journals: Journal of Morphology and Journal of Biology.
Notes about the biological concept of organization.
"Suspend judgement on Carnegie proposal pledge to Corporation to maintain complete independence."
Comments on Bumpus, Mead, Peck, Montgomery, and others