Markimero sitting at a table with a microscope in his hand.
A.O. Weese sitting at a table reading a book. Various objects can be seen on the table next to him including a pen, a shell, and various papers.
Hitchens is sitting at a lab bench with his right hand resting on a microscope.
A. Querido sitting at a desk smoking a pipe. On the desk behind him sit various glass containers as well as some books.
Moore is standing on a dirt path, facing the camera with his hands in his pockets. He is wearing a white shirt and black pants.
Gilson is standing outdoors, facing the camera with his arms at his sides. He is dressed casually in a shirt and trousers.
Pearse is seated at a worktable, facing the camera. There is a binocular dissecting scope on the table, to his left.
He is sitting at a desk with one hand resting on a microscope.
Leathers is standing in front of a tree or bush, facing the camera. A cigar is in his right hand and his left hand is in his pocket. He is wearing a suit jacket.
A. Wolf sitting at a desk, facing the camera with a pen in his hand about to write in a notebook.
A.S. Treadwill sitting in a chair holding a pipe in his left hand. Behind him on the wall are three large windows.
Roofline of post office.
Knopf sitting at a desk with his hands resting in his lap.
Black and white advertisement for nets and collecting equipment
Black and white advertisement for Laboratory Apparatus and Supplies
Aerial photo of agricultural land and river leading into Plum Island Ecosystem
Aerial photo of Plum Island Ecosystem
Aerial photo of Plum Island Sound
A group of people standing in a small boat and on a dock at Tarmulin Cove. The Vigilant is visible in the background. Women are holding black umbrellas (but the umbrellas are not up)
Dawson sitting at a desk, looking through a microscope.
Dawson sitting at a desk with his hands placed on a microscope.
Black and white photo of Al Romer on a boat.
One .tiff and one .jpeg file
Albert B. Ulrey standing outdoors wearing a suit.