Trinkaus, John Phillip - Papers
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes on "Hans Spemann and Historical Background"
Notes from William Ballard's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from page 38 and 39 on gastrulation in Coelenterates. Starts a new section on development of Coelenterates following gastrulation, including diagrams
Notes from Oscar Schotte's lecture. Trinkaus continues notes from page 86 on the metamorphosis of echinoderms with five more diagrams (labeled 3-7).
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes on Harrison's work on nerve growth in the frog and chick wing
Notes from Hubert Goodrich's lecture. Final page of notes from June 20, 1939 lecture, including 'Diff. between two species of Fundulus". Start of notes from Hubert Goodrich's lecture on June 21, 1939, including 'Promorphology of the egg'
Notes from William Ballard's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes on reproduction in Coelenterates
John P. Trinkaus wearing a striped shirt, light colored jacket, and glasses. Trinkaus is outside, and looking directly at the camera.
Notes from Donald Costello's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on spiral cleavage and cell lineage with information about Crepidula and a cell lineage chart (cell phylogeny)
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus begins notes on "Development of the Annelidas" with a three-point list of features of "Annelida & Mollusca", then begins a list of features of "Hydroides (Eupomatus)"
Notes from Donald Costello's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on centrifugation of the egg with information on the effects of centrifugation on Asterias and Nereis (with diagram of "Centrifuged Nereis Egg")
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on the derivatives of the 2d cell, then makes a list of derivatives of the "4d cell", "From larva", and "Larval organs lost"
A headshot of John P. Trinkaus. Trinkaus is wearing a white shirt, dark tie, and glasses. He is looking at the camera.