Trinkaus, John Phillip - Papers
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of Ascaris megalocephala, Embryology course, February 21, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of spiral cleavage in crepidula, Embryology course, graded B+, February 28, 2938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of cell division in frog eggs, Embryology course, March 8, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 72 hour chick, Embryology course, graded B+, April 22, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of crepidula cells, Embryology course, March 13, 1938
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus begins his notes with information on "Metamorphosis of Nereis", including information on the derivatives of the "2d cell"
Notes from Mary Rawles' lecture. Trinkaus begins his notes with information on "Pigmentation of Birds, Experimental Studies" including information on transplantation experiments
Notes from Mary Rawles' lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from on transplantation experiments for bird pigmentation from the previous page. Trinkaus gives details about the experimental procedure and pays special attention to the role of the neural crest
Notes from Mary Rawles' lecture. Trinkaus concludes his notes on pigmentation experiments in birds with a diagram of the neural tube with cells that produce pigment
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on the metamorphosis of the trochophore with a diagram and information about how it changes during development
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus concludes his notes for this lecture with a final line about the metamorphosis of the trochophore
Notes from Roberts Rugh's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from the previous page on the effects of X Rays on amphibian eggs