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Trinkaus, John Phillip - Papers (Restricted)

Letter to Trinkaus about cell contact and visiting Woods Hole
Trinkaus manuscript, "Some Thoughts on Directional Cell Movement during Morphogenesis," prepared for book in dedication of Michael Abercrombie
Trinkaus playing with electrophysiology rig
Trinkaus playing with electrophysiology rig
Letter to Trinkaus announcing Michael Abercrombie's death.
Trinkaus's Curriculum Vitae
Letter to Abercrombie about the Gordon Conference and his illness.
Extract from the introductory remarks of JP Trinkaus during the Gordon Research Conference on "Cell Contact and Movement."
Invoice from MBL for Room and Board fees for Rachel Fink for summer 1985.
Trinkaus's list of equipment taken to Woods Hole; not dated
Letter to Curtis about the Gordon Conference.
Letter to Trinkaus about Abercrombie memorial volume.
