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Huettner, Alfred - Photo Collection

Isabel (back) and Thomas Hunt Morgan at Schemaerhorn Hall at Columbia University
Camping in Woods Hole. Mary Huettner on left (r)
Nobska Beach Road - 1916. Note high dunes on the right; the beach is now below this road grade and the sand dunes are gone.
Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) Room 320 (?) S.W. Corner of old Crane Building, MBL, MA
Canoeing - so popular that in 1926 the Woods Hole Index devoted a chapter to it.
Beach Attire - 1918 Mary R. Huettner at Gansett Beach
The Crane Building and the Candle House. Crane was the first permanent building built by the MBL. Donated by Charles R. Crane in 1914, the Candle House has served many purposes in its 152 year history. Originally a spermaceti candle factory, it also was a supply house and store for the whaling ships that came to Woods Hole. Later, as an MBL facility, it served the Supply Department and was known as the Hotel Majestic by those bunking on its top floor. It has housed the MBL administration since 1982.
Mary Huettner at back with sons Robert (left) and Richard (right) Huettner
on the Beach. Donald Lancefield on right, Rebecca Lancefield to his left
Schraders, Lancefields, Huettners, Johnsons at wedding 1921
Note on back Back Row: (Alfred H. Sturtevant, Muller, blocked, unknown, Weinstein) Front Row (Unknown, Huettner, Donald Lancefield, Morgan, McGregor, Franz Schrader)
