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Golder collection

Black and white photograph of two men on the dock, one at desk on the phone holding a fishing net over the water, the other standing with another fishing net
Black and white photograph of Oceanus at MBL docks with white Coast Guard boat alongside
Black and white photograph of large vessel on the water
Black and white photograph of full Oceanus with black boat
Black and white photograph of collecting vessel sailing toward camera, away from land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus directed by white Coast Guard boat and black boat toward land
Black and white photograph of the collecting vessel the Sea Horse out at sea
Black and white photograph of Oceanus pulled by black boat toward land
Black and white photograph of collecting boat with dredging line out
Black and white photograph of two men displaying dredging specimens to photographer
Black and white photograph of Oceanus at MBL docks with crew
Black and white photograph of older man on boat looking out to sea
