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Golder collection

Black and white photograph of Oceanus directed by black boat toward land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus sailing toward MBL docks
Black and white photograph of two men to the side of the collecting boat looking out the back
Black and white photograph of jar with preserved fish
Black and white photograph of Oceanus directed by white Coast Guard boat toward land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus at docks in front of MBL
Black and white photograph of board with preseved shells
Black and white photograph of woman on boat watching Woods Hole bridge rise
Black and white photograph of two men on the dock, one holding a phone, the other pulling something out of a fishing net
Black and white photograph of black tug boat with line attached
Black and white photograph of two men on the dock, one on the phone, the other examining the contents of a fishing net
Black and white photograph of men and women on collecting boat
