Golder collection
Black and white photograph of a man holding an opened clam, examining the insides
Black and white photograph taken from behind large group listening to man speaking
Black and white photographof man on collecting vessel fixing hose
Black and white photograph of man holding up horseshoe crab for visitors to look at
Black and white photograph of large group on boat with one man standing and looking at the camera
Black and white photograh of MRC employee being interviewed by reporter and cameraman in MRC collecting room
Black and white photograph of two men examining an opened clam on a work bench
Black and white photograph of opened clam sitting on a wooden top
Black and white photograph of closed clam on wooden surface
Black and white photograph of closed clam, seam side down, on wooden surface
Black and white photograph of man holding specimen over collecting vat while four individuals look on
Black and white photograph of glass jar of shelled specimen