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Golder collection

Black and white photograph of men and women on collecting boat
Black and white photograph of two men on the dock, one sitting at a desk with phone and typewriter, one holding up a net filled with lobster
Black and white photograph of white Coast Guard boat in front of MBL docks
Black and white photograph of wooden plank pulled up from sea on side of boat
Black and white photgraph of men and women discussing on boat at sea
Black and white photograph of back of collecting boat with man crossing the screen
Black and white photograph of man picking through ocean dredge
Black and white photograph of men and women examining something in bottom of row boat
Black and white photograph of MBL buildings
Black and white photograph of men and women wading through water from one land mass to another
Black and white photograph of men and women gaily examining specimens
Black and white photographof men and women collecting in the water
