Title page of the book "Processes in Microbal Ecology". The author, David L. Kirchman, has written a note to Ecosystems Center scientist Ivan Valiela.
Glasser is standing against a metal railing on a plank walkway, maybe a pier or footbridge. He is facing the camera, and there is water in the background.
O. E. Sette sitting at a desk with books and papers in front of him. He is holding a pen in his right hand and a pipe in his left hand.
Inman sitting at a lab bench, with a bowl placed in front of him.
Lengworthy is sitting at a desk, facing the camera. His left arm is resting against the desk.
Strong is standing in front of a row of hedges, holding a hat in his left hand and looking toward the left frame of the photograph.
Black and white photograph of Oceanus at docks in front of MBL
Black and white photograph of Oceanus at MBL docks with white Coast Guard boat alongside
Black and white photograph of Oceanus at MBL docks with crew
Black and white photograph of Oceanus on beach
Black and white photograph of Oceanus pulled by black boat toward land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus pulled by white Coast Guard boat toward land, with waves
Black and white photograph of Oceanus directed by white Coast Guard boat and black boat toward land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus directed by black boat toward land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus directed by white Coast Guard boat toward land
Black and white photograph of Oceanus sailing toward MBL docks
Black and white photograph of Oceanus with white coast guard boat alongside
Car pulled over on side of road, towing a small boat, three men partilly visible on the far side of the car.
Exterior of Old Main building. Man in foreground trimming bushes.
Old Main at night with some windows illuminated
Looking down gravel road at parking lot and old lab building.
MBL Street Old Main and Botany Buildings
A building, it appears to be Old Main.
Old Main in 1892