Trinkaus playing with electrophysiology rig
Three men sitting in front of boat.
Boat going under weir net and pulling net onto boat.
Five men sitting or standing near windows of MBL Supply House with tanks in foreground.
Man smoking cigarette holding wooden rod
Two men motoring in small boat
Two men hauling small boat onto beach
Two men putting small boat onto back of MBL truck
Two men laughing in cab of MBL truck
Four men standing or sitting looking out windows of MBL Supply House. One man in foreground leaning on tank.
Two men with a truck carrying a small boat. Located behind Lillie building in front of MBL Supply House
Pickup truck and two men with collecting containers on a beach/flats area.
Two men with wooden buckets standing on muddy flats collecting. One man may be holding a trap.
Two men with wooden buckets standing on muddy flats collecting. One man is holding a crab. One man may be holding a trap.
Man bending over side of small boat peering into a wooden viewing box.
Man leaning over the side of a small boat with a net
MBL dock behind Supply House. 3 boats docked. Seaweed laid out on portion of dock.
Trude (10 years old), Kaethe (7 years old), Hilde (9 years old) Proescholdt on the beach
A group of men on a fishing boat with a large net.
Several men lined up along one side of the boat, working together to pull a fishing net out of the water.
Several men lined up along one side of the boat, working together to pull a fishing net out of the water.
A man wrestling with a freshly caught tuna, with several observers.
A group of men watching a net full with fresh catch of fish being emptied onto the boat deck.
A man tossing a freshly caught fish on the deck of the boat.