Plate XIX from Edmund Beecher Wilson's "The Cell-Lineage of Nereis" in the Journal of Morphology, Vol. 6, 1892. The plate shows 12 images of various stages of Nereis embryos with labelled cells.
Black and white photo of two men using a plow pulled by one black horse and one white horse. Old Main is in the background.
Poems written by Bill Graham and inspired by the 1982 Neurobiology course. Graham includes a message to the course participants and instructors, followed by 11 poems in the following order: "Nightdream" created on June 29, 1982, "Steaming Again" created on July 14, 1982, "Aurora Borealis" created on July 14, 1982, "Odds on Favorite" created on July 29, 1982, "Pinta" created on August 3, 1982, "Free" created on August 5, 1982, "What?" created on August 9, 1982, "Galaxy of Structures" created on August 11, 1982, "Ten Hut" created on August 16, 1982, an untitled poem created on August 23, 1982, and "The Notion" created on August 23, 1982.
Man in front of microscope. Turned away from camera.
Man in front of microscope. Turned sideways.
Man in front of microscope. Facing camera.
Man in front of microscope. Facing camera and writing.
A man, wearing glasses and a suit.
Photo is signed "Dr. Fritz Haber" and the back reads, "Herzlichen Dank" in Haber's handwritting and has been annotated: "Famous physical Chemist. Berlin-Dahlem. Schoolmate of Max Hamburger in Breslau"
Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) Room 320 (?) S.W. Corner of old Crane Building, MBL, MA
Pump house exterior view.
Pump house exterior view #2
Two page spread of the supply department's biological materials catalogue no. 57, "preserved material" section, includes illustration of Limulus. Specimens listed include Orchestia platensis, Romalea, and more.
Black and white photograph of board with preserved specimens from the class Bivalvia
Black and white photograph of jar with preserved fish
Black and white photograph of board with preseved shells
Professor Kempton working on a dogfish.
Professor Kempton working on a dogfish with a female observing.
Professor Kempton working on a dogfish.
Two men examining shark trussed up be its tail. Syringe is inserted into underside of shark.
Man working projector, back is to camera.
Man working projector facing camera.
Announcement for LMER Coordination grant from National Science Foundation in 1992, PI John Hobbie of the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Lab
Announcement for LMER Coordination grant from National Science Foundation in 1994 at Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Lab