Research proposal on the mechanism of Fundulus epiboly - microtubules, with J. Shih, with a list of publications; MBL 1998.
Letter from Trinkaus to Saunders about the Jaffe affair
A detailed description of Trinkaus's proposed research, "Directional movement of deep cells in the germ ring of the Fundulus gastrula," "Origin of the multinucleate external yolk syncytial layer," and "Microinjection of inhibitors into the E-YSL during epiboly" - MBL 1988.
MBL Application 1982, "Cell Rearrangement during Fundulus Epiboly," includes research space application, abstract and description of research proposal.
Letter from Saunders explaining to Trinkaus that he has clarified the Jaffe situation to Ida Chow.
Letter to Trinkaus from his editor encouraging him to write his memoirs
MBL Application 1979, includes research space application, description of proposed research, curriculum vitae, list of equipment taken to Woods Hole.
MBL Application, not dated, includes application for research and library acommodation, description of proposed research, list of equipment taken to Woods Hole.
Acknowledgements section for John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Front cover of the John P. Trinkaus autobiography, "Embryologist"
A detailed description of Trinkaus's proposed research, "Invasive Movements of Fundulus Deep Cells during Gastrulation," with an abstract, MBL 1986.
MBL Appication 1985, "Mechanisms of Morphogenetic Cell Movements," includes research space application, abstract and description of research proposal on Fundulus, request for services, information form, and application for rooms.