Floorplan of third floor of Lillie Building, with red arrow indicating Lab 322 (Crane Lab)
MBL's note to Trinkaus granting him lab space for summer of 1976
Lecure Notes on Teleost Development, MBL Embryology Course, 1952
Letter from Trinkaus to Saunders about the Jaffe affair, explaining how shocked he was that Jaffe was nominating himself for the Conklin Medal.
Trinkaus's Research Progress Report for November 26, 1974, on Fundulus research
Letter responding to an earlier letter from Porter; letter addresses relationship between MBL members and the corporation, as well as possibly moving the MBL Library to a new corporation, February 4, 1977
Trinkaus's request for laboratory space for summer of 1975
Trinkaus's request for laboratory space for summer of 1978
Letter informing Trinkaus of his laboratory assignment and fees for 1974 summer, including floor plan, March 22, 1974
Erickson's research application for MBL, signed by Trinkaus as sponsoring investigator, 1974 summer
Notes on Teleost Development for MBL Embryology Course, 1953
Trinkaus's request for laboratory space for summer of 1974