On Hamburger's review of Needham's 'Biochemistry and Morphogenesis'. On Hamburger's visit to Baltimore on his way to Woods Hole.
On Zinsser's book. On the Army Students Training Program. On Roy Gillette. On the many positive comments for Hamburger's review of Needham's 'Biochemistry and Morphogenesis'.
Thank-you note for Hamburger's laboratory outline on the production of double hearts. On the method of Graeper to produce double hearts in chick embryos. On his upcoming seminar on 'embryonic differentiation'.
Requesting a draft of Hamburger's paper for the upcoming Dallas meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
On publishing the papers of the three symposia (Jaques Cattell Press) at the Dallas meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Attached a 2-page list of the three synposia: 'The Genetic Control of Embryonic Development' (Chair: B. H. Willier); 'Symposium on Isolating Mechanisms'; 'Symposium on Temperature and Evolution'.
Supporting Hamburgers application for a Fulbright Grant to visit ótienne Wolff's laboratory.
On Hamburger's experiments on transplanted limbs. On his summer at Woods Hole. On the lack of evidence in Witschi's paper on genes and embryology.
Thank-you note for Hamburger's laboratory outline. On Hamburger's critiscism of Reed. Short note on Willier's sessions on melanophores.
On Roy Gillette. On Hamburger's review of Needham's 'Biochemistry and Morphogenesis' for the Quarterly Review of Biology.
Typed document
Letter to Trinkaus asking for references on cell group motility.
Letter asking for support to extend Harlyn Halvorson's term as director of the MBL.
On open positions at Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia.
Letter to Trinkaus, congratulating him on accurately identifying the characters in a historic photograph at the MBL.
Handwritten postcard, 3 pages
Letter to Trinkaus thanking him for his hospitability in Woods Hole
Updates about current activities
Letter to Trinkaus to thank him for his guest lecture, "Aging and Immortality," signed "A BIO II Student"
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
Letter to Halvorson, informing him that a formal grievance was being filed against him.
Letter to Goux, requesting a personal file review.
Thank you for visit
Book review of Nerve Growth Factors by R. A. Rush