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Whitman talking about work and students, updating. Lectures.
Whitman discussing available positions and the people who fill those positions.
Carus dissuaded from publishing Dr. Morgan's article and talking about the foundations of the MBL and where the money goes.
Concerned with the board and the Carnegie proposal
Invitation to an informal dinner in Chicago held for the trustees of the MBL on December 31.
Talking about collection that offers opportunity for further investigation. Summer course possibility.
Letter to Trinkaus, asking him if there are any post-doctoral positions available in his lab.
Letter to Trinkaus telling him about the fellowships that Tickle will apply for.
Letter to Trinkaus, asking him about opportunities to work in his lab as a post-doc.
Letter to Trinkaus, telling him about Tickle's plans to spend two years in the US.
Letter to Trinkaus, announcing the completion of her PhD and her next visit to the US.
Letter to Trinkaus, announcing that Tickle was awarded the NATO research fellowship.
Letter to Trinkaus, about conference in Glasgow and about their experiments on cell sorting.
Letter to Trinkaus, about an experiment on cell re-aggregation.
Letter to Trinkaus about delays in drafting a manuscript.
Letter to Trinkaus, asking him about their "deformability" paper and informing him that she turned down a job in Vancouver.
Letter to Trinkaus, asking him if he received the manuscript.
Letter to Trinkaus, explaining the F-test in statistical methods in biology.
Letter to Trinkaus, about her visit to Woods Hole.
Letter to Trinkaus, about reprints.
Letter to Trinkaus, about her progress on drafting a manuscript of their experiments.
Letter to Trinkaus, explaining some delays in preparing a manuscript.
Letter to Trinkaus, about MBL forms.
