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Black and white photograph of nets on the back of a moving boat
Black and white photograph of back of collecting boat
Black and white photograph of nets and buoys on back of moving boat
Black and white photograph of collecting boat with dredging line out
Black and white photograph of wooden plank pulled up from sea on side of boat
Black and white advertisement for nets and collecting equipment
Black and white advertisement for Laboratory Apparatus and Supplies
Black and white photograph of large research vessel at end of dock
Black and white photograph of research vessel at end of docks over the trees
Scientists sampling at Columbia River Land Margin Ecosystems Research project
Scientists sampling at Columbia River Land Margin Ecosystems Research project
This is a Winogradsky column that Joseph Vallino uses in a SES course on Methods in Microbial Ecology. Almost every bacterial metabolic process that occurs on Earth also occurs in these columns that are simply constructed by placing freshwater or marine sediments augmented with a carbon source (such as saw dust) and fertilizer (N and P) in a column and topping it off with either fresh or sea water. Julie Huber is a co-instructor in the course.
