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On the delayed shipment of eggs. On Rita Levi-Montalcini's current experimental work.
Thank-you note for their contributions to the field of NGF research.
On "A Manual of Experimental Embryology". On Hamburger's marital problems.
On a workshop at Bar Harbor in June. On Paul Weiss & Rita Levi-Montalcini.
On the denial of Yamada's Rockefeller application. On his summer travel plans. Mainly private letter.
On Hamburger's review of Stefanelli's manuscript on the Mauthner cell for the Quarterly Review of Biology.
Arranging a meeting of Weiss, Hamburger, and Willier to review their manuscript.
Requesting a review of Stefanelli's manuscript on the Mauthner cell.
On Hamburger's recommendation of Stefanelli for writing a manuscript of the Mauthner cell. On ótienne Wolff.
On her apllication for the summer course.
Requesting an article on Mauthner cells for The Quarterly Review of Biology.
