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On Holtfreter's review in 'Archives of Biochemistry'. On the proofs of Hamburger's review. On the Army Students Training Program.
On the revised edition Hamburger's "Manual of Experimental Embryology. On Waddington's & Rensch's recent Darwin talks at Washington University. On Hamburger's current "lack of inspiration".
On the review process of Sol Spiegelman's manuscript. On his talk at Cold Spring Harbor on the effects of sex-linked genes on the melanophores.
On Hoerstadius and his monograph on the determination of the cartilaginous skeleton of Urodela.
On Hamburger's draft of the first book chapter. On Paul Weiss.
On Yamada's financial situation in the US.
Detailing results of the last 14 years of research.
On a symposium on evolution and development at the Zoological Meetings at Penn State in August. On Holtfreter's experimental work. On Rita Levi-Montalcini.
On Holtfreter's election to the Academy: "It is also a recognition of our old-fashioned brand of Exp. Embryology, and of the solid foundation of our Spemann type of outlook, enriched a bit by exposure to the New Look."
