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Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of frog larval stage, Embryology course, note from teacher, graded D, March 13, 1938
Partial notes by Trinkaus on cell movements in embryonic development, Embryology course, April 4, 1938
Partial notes by Trinkaus on 48 hour chick embryos, Embryology course, April 18, 1938
Partial Notes by Trinkaus on 72 hour chick embryos, Embryology course, April 25, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 96 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, graded B+, May 15, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of cleavage in blastula of whitefish, Embryology course, graded A, February 26, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of Ascaris megalocephala, Embryology course, February 21, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of spiral cleavage in crepidula, Embryology course, graded B+, February 28, 2938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of cell division in frog eggs, Embryology course, March 8, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 72 hour chick, Embryology course, graded B+, April 22, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of crepidula cells, Embryology course, March 13, 1938
Katsuma Dan standing with his daughter in front of the MBL Lillie Building
