Format: Still Image Description: Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of cleavage in blastula of whitefish, Embryology course, graded A, February 26, 1938 Date created: 7/25/2013 Digital collection: Trinkaus, John Phillip - Papers Repository location: Other metadata DC Description Type: Hand-drawn DiagramDC Publisher Digital: Arizona Board of RegentsMarine Biological Laboratory ArchivesDC Language Iso: EngDC Rights: Attribution 4.0 InternationalDSpace_last_modified: 2023-01-12 15:18:26.471DSpace ID: 23212DSpace handle: 1912/22822DC Source: The John Philip Trinkaus Papers, Box 13, Folder 4, Marine Biological Laboratory ArchivesDC Rights Uri: Creator: Trinkaus, John PhilipDC Subject Mblhistory: peopleDC Format Medium: Image/jpgImage/tifDC Date Available: 2017-07-06T17:49:19ZDC Date Accessioned: 2017-07-06T17:49:19Z
DC Description Type: Hand-drawn DiagramDC Publisher Digital: Arizona Board of RegentsMarine Biological Laboratory ArchivesDC Language Iso: EngDC Rights: Attribution 4.0 InternationalDSpace_last_modified: 2023-01-12 15:18:26.471DSpace ID: 23212DSpace handle: 1912/22822DC Source: The John Philip Trinkaus Papers, Box 13, Folder 4, Marine Biological Laboratory ArchivesDC Rights Uri: Creator: Trinkaus, John PhilipDC Subject Mblhistory: peopleDC Format Medium: Image/jpgImage/tifDC Date Available: 2017-07-06T17:49:19ZDC Date Accessioned: 2017-07-06T17:49:19Z