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On Hamburger's "19th George H. Bishop Lecture in Experimental Neurology on 'Changing Concepts in Developmental Neurobiology'. On Willier's files at Hopkins. On Watterson's current work, particularly a proposed course on Neuroembryology.
Confirmation of Hamburger's visit for a lecture at Williams College on April 24 & 25, 1975.
News release from Yale University announcing Spemann to open Silliman lecture
Response to Dubrovnik talk
Thank-you note for two letters. Short note on an upcoming lecture on Prenatal behaviour in higher Vertebrates.
Invitation to Bertalanffy to give a lecture at Washington University with funds from the Sigma Xi Society
On his recent talk at Cleveland Developmental Biology Center. On M. C. Escher.
On his grant proposal (probably NSF). On his lecture plans.
Short note on her upcoming lectures on the Sperry-Weiss controversis at University of Chicago & Duke Univesity.
Expression of excellance for presentation
Invitation to give Julian Tobias lecture at University of Chicago. Enclosed papers
