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Man standing in front of large centrifuge machines. View 3
Man standing in front of large centrifuge machines. View 2
MBL dock behind Supply House. 3 boats docked. Seaweed laid out on portion of dock.
Two men talking near trays of sliced tomatoes.
View of Lillie auditorium towards stage. Janitor sweeping. Second image.
View of large reading room. Four men seated at separate tables reading books.
Man in chef's hat seated on crates. One man seated on back of tractor trailer truck. Man in suit standing below loading dock.
Woman reaching for journal in periodical racks.
Man with mail cart entering building.
View of Lillie auditorium towards stage. Janitor sweeping.
Delivery man and chef removing barrel from delivery truck.
View of food service line. 5 employees serving food.
