Format: Text Description: Appendix III: The program for the symposium on cell movement and morphogenesis (Trinkfest '88) Date created: 2003 Digital collection: Trinkaus, John Phillip - Papers Repository location: Other metadata DC Description Type: PublicationsDC Relation Ispartof: Trinkaus Collection, MBL ArchivesDC Publisher Digital: Marine Biological LaboratoryArizona Board of RegentsDC Publisher: J&S Publishing Company, Inc.DC Rights: Attribution 4.0 InternationalDSpace_last_modified: 2023-01-12 15:18:29.031DSpace ID: 23494DSpace handle: 1912/23104DC Source: Library of Jane MaienscheinDC Rights Uri: Creator: Trinkaus, John Philip (1918-2003)DC Subject Mblhistory: peopleDC Format Medium: Application/pdfDC Format Extent: 3 pagesDC Date Issued: 11/25/2014DC Date Available: 2014-11-25T14:27:29ZDC Date Accessioned: 2014-11-25T14:27:29Z
DC Description Type: PublicationsDC Relation Ispartof: Trinkaus Collection, MBL ArchivesDC Publisher Digital: Marine Biological LaboratoryArizona Board of RegentsDC Publisher: J&S Publishing Company, Inc.DC Rights: Attribution 4.0 InternationalDSpace_last_modified: 2023-01-12 15:18:29.031DSpace ID: 23494DSpace handle: 1912/23104DC Source: Library of Jane MaienscheinDC Rights Uri: Creator: Trinkaus, John Philip (1918-2003)DC Subject Mblhistory: peopleDC Format Medium: Application/pdfDC Format Extent: 3 pagesDC Date Issued: 11/25/2014DC Date Available: 2014-11-25T14:27:29ZDC Date Accessioned: 2014-11-25T14:27:29Z