Letter to Trinkaus, asking him about his contribution to Abercrombie's Festschrift.
Letter of sympathy to Michael Abercrombie's wife.
Letter to Trinkaus about the Abercrombie memorial.
Research space application for project, "Directional Cell Movements during Gastrulation of Fundulus" - MBL 1992.
Letter addressed to "Key" (perhaps, to Trinkaus), informing correspondent about the MBL's search for a new director to replace Harlyn Halvorson.
Postcard to Trinkaus
Letter to Curtis about the symposium planned for Michael Abercrombie.
Letter to Trinkaus and Dunn about planning for Michael Abercrombie's Festschrift
Letter from Trinkaus to Jaffe, turning down Jaffe's request for a recommendation for the Conklin Medal.
Letter informing Trinkaus of his laboratory assignment and fees for 1974 summer, including floor plan, March 22, 1974
MBL's note to Trinkaus granting him lab space for summer of 1976
Letter from Trinkaus to Saunders about the Jaffe affair, explaining how shocked he was that Jaffe was nominating himself for the Conklin Medal.