Letter to Trinkaus, thanking him for his support.
Letter to Trinkaus and Dunn about planning for Michael Abercrombie's Festschrift
Letter to Trinkaus, informing him that Abercrombie is unable to attend the Gordon Conference.
Letter asking for support to extend Harlyn Halvorson's term as director of the MBL.
Letter to Trinkaus, congratulating him on accurately identifying the characters in a historic photograph at the MBL.
Letter to Trinkaus about the list of invitees for Michael Abercrombie's Festschrift.
Letter to Trinkaus about Adam Curtis joining the group.
Trinkaus's request for research services, MBL 1988.
Letter about planning the Abercrombie symposium
Letter from Trinkaus to Stone, thanking her for sending his prize.
A detailed description of Trinkaus's proposed research on Fundulus, with an abstract.
Letter to Trinkaus inviting him to take part of the MBL's centennial celebration week during August 1988.