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A detailed description of Trinkaus's proposed research, "Origin and development of the external yolk syncytial layer," and "Microinjection of inhibitors into the E-YSL during epiboly," MBL 1989.
Letter to Trinkaus about the terminology he uses in his paper.
Letter to Trinkaus and Harris about his use of the term "lamellipodium."
Trinkaus's information form, MBL 1992.
Research space application for project, "Directional nuclear division and cell movement during the early development of Fundulus" - MBL 1988.
Trinkaus's information form, MBL 1988.
Letter to Trinkaus and Bellairs about Michael Abercrombie's 70th birthday.
Letter to Trinkaus announcing Michael Abercrombie's death.
Letter to Abercrombie about Albert Harris defending his dissertation.
Letter to Abercrombie about Trinkaus and Harris's paper.
Letter to Trinkaus about a possible symposium volume for Michael Abercrobie's 70th birthday.
Letter to Porter about a delayed letter by Trinkaus.
