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Notes from William Ballard's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on the embryology of Styela with a diagram of "regular cleavage" and notes on "Gastrulation: Similar to that of Amphioxus", then starts a new section on "T. Chow Tung '34"
Notes from William Ballard's lecture. Trinkaus completes his notes on T. Chow Tung from the previous page, and takes notes on Van der Broeck and Dalcq. Trinkaus starts a new section on "Asexual Reproduction" with an outline that begins with "1. Peribranchial or Atrial" (includes two diagrams)
Notes from William Ballard's lecture. Trinkaus continues his outline from the previous page and creates a new section "2. Pharyngeal or Epicardial"
Notes from Caswell Grave's lecture. Trinkaus begins his notes on "Metamorphoses of the Ascidians" with general information on metamorphosis (includes a chart), and then begins a table to compare "Larval action system" and "Adult action system"
Notes from Caswell Grave's lecture. Trinkaus continues his table fro the previous page and takes notes on the larval vs. adult structures (includes chart of time (x-axis) vs. Percentage metamorphosed (y-axis))
Notes from Donald Costello's lectures. Trinkaus concludes his notes on Costello's "Fertilization" lecture with information about fertilization theories from different scientists (Boveri, Loeb, Lillie, Chambers). Trinkaus begins notes on Costello's lecture (a "research lecture") with information on "Centrifugation of the Egg"
Notes from Caswell Grave's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from the previous pge and begins a new section [header illegible] that deals with the effects of different environmental stimuli on the embryos
Notes from Caswell Grave's lecture. Trinkaus begins with a graph, "aging + activity", and takes notes on different substances during development of the ascidian embryo
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes on Harrison's work on nerve growth in the frog and chick wing
Notes from Donald Costello's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on centrifugation of the egg with information on the effects of centrifugation on Asterias and Nereis (with diagram of "Centrifuged Nereis Egg")
Notes from Donald Costello's lecture. Trinkaus continues note on the effects of centrifugation of eggs with two diagrams and some additional research notes
A headshot of John P. Trinkaus. Trinkaus is wearing a white shirt, dark tie, and glasses. He is looking at the camera.
John P. Trinkaus wearing a striped shirt, light colored jacket, and glasses. Trinkaus is outside, and looking directly at the camera.
John P. Trinkaus is wearing a a striped shirt, light colored jacket, paisley tie, and glasses. Trinkaus is standing in front of a stone wall, looking at the camera and smiling.
John P. Trinkaus in the laboratory at the MBL. Trinkaus is seated in front of video equiptment, and is smiling at the camera.
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of spiral cleavage in crepidula, Embryology course, graded B+, February 28, 2938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 21 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, graded A, March 19, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 23 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, graded A-, March 21, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 24 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, March 20, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 24 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, March 20, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 33 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, March 19, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 33 hour chick embryo, Embryology course, with teacher's note, March 21, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 48 hour chick, Embryology course, graded B+, April 13, 1938
Labeled drawing by Trinkaus of 48 hour chick, Embryology course, April 24, 1938
