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Descriptions of field works on corn in Mexico and encounters there.
Thank-you note for Hamburger's note regarding Anderson's leave from the Directorship from the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Description of Anderson's own joy and challenges of working with maize.
On the publication of his chapter in 'Analysis of Development (ed. Paul Weiss, B. H. Willier, Viktor Hamburger)'.
Talking about his work and Whitman's.
Request for advice for helping Roberto Narbaitz acquire training at an embryological center
Letter to the Director of the National Cancer Institute at the NIH explaining Trinkaus's laboratory space once he becomes emeritus.
Congratulations on the donation and that some money is going to a reopening of the work of the Lake Laboratory on a much larger scale.
Notification of appointment as full-time Assistant in Zoology in 1948-49. Attached an appointment form.
2-item bibliography, which Conklin returns to Whitman.
Letter about galley proofs of Trinkaus's article
On Eleanor's new appointment as associate professor in Canada and Byron's MRC grant.
On the death of Ray Watterson. On Byron's teaching in experimental embryology.
Request for a letter of recommendation for a Research Associateship in the Anatomy Department at University of Saskatchewan.
Thank-you letter for stipend at Washington University.
On her apllication for the summer course.
On her work during the summer course.
On her plans to perform research on phosphatasis in Tradiscantia.
On listings of equipment for a grant request. Attached a typewritten CV of Wenger of younger date.
On her salary for the summer.
On Wenger's life in Canada. On Byron Wenger's teaching appointments and his work on crooked neck dwarf chickens. (Microchemistry of the developing muscle). On her own study on the olfactory system in the chicken.
