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On reading George Santayana's autobiography "Persons And Places". On the physical chemistry of ameboid movements. On Hamburger's own research: "I am back to the nervous system again."
On his upcoming travel to Europe.
On Holtfreter's "anti-Niewkoop results".
On Hamburger emigration. On Baltzer's wrong view on emigrating from NAZI Germany.
On the London Ciba Symposium on neuro-embryology. On his vacation in Switzerland.
On a symposium on evolution and development at the Zoological Meetings at Penn State in August. On Holtfreter's experimental work. On Rita Levi-Montalcini.
On Holtfreter's paper on self-organization.
On his lectures in the Embryology Class.
On the denial of Yamada's Rockefeller application. On his summer travel plans. Mainly private letter.
On two upcoming lectures on induction at Woods Hole. On Niewkoops sloppy experiments.
On his upcoming courses on Developmental Genetics and Chemical Embryology (Together with Florence Moog & Yamada). On Martha's mental health condition.
On the program for the President's Symposium at the E. Lansing Meetings.
On the opening of Hamburger's new lab facilities. On Hamburger's upcoming talk at Rochester on "Embryonic beginnings of behaviour".
On the modalities for Holtfreter's upcoming talk at Hamburger's department.
On the delayed shipment of eggs. On Rita Levi-Montalcini's current experimental work.
On Paul Weiss' recent Texas conference on mitosis and morphogenesis. On cell division in vitro.
On his travel to Japan. On his work with the non-cellulated slime mold Physarum.
On Hamburger's draft of the first book chapter. On Paul Weiss.
