Letter about Cairns' visit to St. Louis
Sending contact information of G. A. Schmidt
Letter of recommendation for Donald Wigston for an open position at University of Washington.
Commenting on the arrival of special copy of Growth Symposium
Discussion about pear-shaped cells
Regarding grant application and pear-shaped cells
Evaluation of Anne Bekoff's work for a grant application for the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Dedication for Hamburger proposed as part of 1968 Growth Symposium, Hamburger acceptance
Typewritten letter, 1 page, Typed excerpts from other correspondence between Hamburger and Carl Henke, 4 pages
Thank-you note for a recent visit to Purdue and the list of expenses there.
Suggestions on Bagnara's manuscript on Holtfreter
On NGF findings.
Discussion about the potential for Brunso-Bechtold to work as a postdoc in Hamburger's lab
Regarding a copy of talk on the "Organizer" from 1955
Recommendation for fellowship
Recommendation letter of Anne Bekoff for a Sloan Fellowship for Basic Research
Cover letter for materials in support of Anne Bekoff's candidacy for a Sloan Fellowship
Nomination of Judy Brunso-Bechtold for the Sloan Research Fellowship.
Cover letter for a manuscript by Judy Brunso-Bechtold.
Letter of recommendation for Donald Wigston for an open position at University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine.
Travel plans