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On Hamburger's paper in JEZ on behalf of Holtfreter's 65th birthday.
Detailing results of the last 14 years of research.
Proposal for a lecture on "Mechanisms of Embryonic Induction" and a roundtable discussion on "The Relation of normal development to neoplastic growth".
Season's greetings. On Margaret Mead's "Balinese Character" sent by Hamburger as a christmas gift.
On quitting his teaching job in Woods Hole. On Holtfreter's plans for teaching.
On the history of embryology and its current status: "It saddens me that the golden times of the German embryologists of the 1920s and 30s died away and that charlatans like Curtis, Nice, Wolpert and Jacobson have taken over."
On the upcoming AAAS meeting. On christmas and family matters.
On getting Holtfreter a position at MIT: "You would be close to Woods Hole ( )".
Invitation for Christmas. Invitation to lecture at Growth Symposium in New London at Connecticut College for Women. On Bill Muchmore coming to Rochester.
On the revised edition Hamburger's "Manual of Experimental Embryology. On Waddington's & Rensch's recent Darwin talks at Washington University. On Hamburger's current "lack of inspiration".
Comments on Holtfreter's proposal for the Academy meeting. On Haddow's article on "Mechanisms of Carcenogenesis" (1953).
On Holtfreter "as the #1 place (!) - maker of experimental embryology." On his review of a Russian von Baer biography.
On the program for the President's Symposium at the E. Lansing Meetings.
On the revision of Hamburger's "Manual of Experimental Embryology. On his teaching. Questions on experimental techniques used by Holtfreter.
Requesting an invitation for Rita Levi-Montalcini to the International Cell Congress in September. Short note on induction, particularly on Spratt's review in Physiol. Rev.
On his work on lysosomes in connection with death of neuroblasts.
On the program for the President's Symposium at the E. Lansing Meetings.
On the opening of Hamburger's new lab facilities. On Hamburger's upcoming talk at Rochester on "Embryonic beginnings of behaviour".
On Hiroko Holtfreter's upcoming PNAS publication. On teaching experimental embryology lab. On the impossibility to understand self-organization, induction etc. in terms of current molecular biology.
On Hiroko Holtfreter's upcoming PNAS publication. On teaching experimental embryology lab. On the impossibility to understand self-organization, induction etc. in terms of current molecular biology.
Requesting prints of Holtfreter's Bali pictures. On the possibility of Holtfreter coming to Boston: "( ) Woods Hole is a good place to write a paper, and only 3 hours away ( )".
On his current work with Ambylstoma embryos. On the revision of Hamburger's "Manual of Experimental Embryology". Asks for advice with vital staining.
