Sending regrets that cannot attend symposium
Agree to talk at First International Symposium on Cellular Endocrinology
Letter regarding Hamburger's research and asking Levi about the possibility of Rita Levi-Montalcini visiting his laboratory in St. Louis
Letter regarding Hamburger's research and asking Levi about the possibility of Rita Levi-Montalcini visiting his laboratory in St. Louis
Hamburger replies to Filogamo's earlier letter with the requested references and an explanation of his findings on the large and small cells of the spinal and cranial ganglia
Reply to rejection letter
Letter of recommendation
Answers to questions about data posed in April 15, 1980 letter
Comments on article on spinal ganglia in PNAS
Suggestions for post-doc
On an open position for an embryologist at NYU.
On a possibly open position for Byron Wenger at NYU.
Information about teaching experimental embryology
Contains suggestions on Eastlick's manuscript
Typewritten letter, 1 page
Request for extension of fellowship
Recommendation letter for Anne Bekoff for a position at the University of Colorado
Recommendation for Anne Bekoff to be reappointed at the University of Colorado
Recommendation for Anne Bekoff's tenure.
BW copy of original letter of recommendation for Drew Noden