Hamburger's permission to publish corespondence between himself and Schmitt written on May 9, 1941
Personnel and the war.
Reminiscence on their personal relationship
Discussion of upcoming National Academy meeting
Request to attend National Academy meeting November 10-12
Obtaining collagen
Regarding research assistantship
Departmental updates. Assistantships
Hamburger informs Lillie of his arrival date in Chicago and the arrival of Dr. Spemann
Hamburger informs Lillie of his travel to Washington and New York and notes that he will forward on his stipend information
Hamburger informs Lillie about his decline of the offer in Odessa and his preparation of lectures for his reappoinment
Hamburger informs Lillie of an offer to head a laboratory in Odessa and his hesitancy to accept the position
Hamburger informs Lillie of his arrival in Berlin and the good health of his family, details his plans to return to Chicago
Hamburger informs Lillie of his development of course materials and the slow pace on his own research, which should speed up following a grant by the Rockefeller Foundation
Hamburger informs Lillie of his development of course materials and the slow pace on his own research, which should speed up following a grant by the Rockefeller Foundation
Hamburger informs Lillie about issues at Washington University and his need to search for a new position, Hamburger requests Lillie's help in locating a new position
Hamburger informs Lillie about issues at Washington University and his need to search for a new position, Hamburger requests Lillie's help in locating a new position
Hamburger thanks Lillie for a photo and details his work on a Lab Manual for the University of Chicago Press
Hamburger thanks Lillie for a photo and details his work on a Lab Manual for the University of Chicago Press
Hamburger notes the work of J.M. Cairns and requests a copy of Popoff's book from Lillie; informs Lillie of the acceptance of his manuscript
Hamburger informs Lillie of his completion of his lab manual and the preparations for the embyrology course in Woods Hole
Hamburger informs Lillie of his completion of his lab manual and the preparations for the embyrology course in Woods Hole
Hamburger notes the work of J.M. Cairns and requests a copy of Popoff's book from Lillie; informs Lillie of the acceptance of his manuscript
Hamburger thanks Lillie for sponsoring Florence Moog's publication