Typewritten letter, 1 page
Typewritten letter, 1 page
Typewritten letter, 1 page
Letter of recommendation for Byron S. Wenger's application for a Postdoctorate Research Fellowship from the Public Health Service.
Hamburger turns down his assignment to write Willier's Biographical Memoir Note for the Academy of Sciences: 'I honestly believe that Ray's biographical essay can hardly improved by me.'
Letter of recommendation
Reccomendation of Paul Shieh for a scholarship
Regarding timing and structure of job offer
Update on job situation
Update on personnel
Plans for future research
Inquiry regarding future research
Response to project idea
Rquest for advice regarding potential project
The grant of permission for use of Hamburger's illustration.
Requesting final manuscript
On Weiss' upcoming seminar on "Recent Advances in the Experimental Analysis of Development and Growth" at Washington University.
Letter of recommendation for Watterson for becoming chair of the biological department at University of New Mexico.