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On his invitation to Woods Hole he received from Hamburger. Short note on Paul Weiss. Probaby attached a 2-page proposal by Twitty on the exchnage of amphibian material for experimental embryology.
Twitty talks shortly about summer meetings in Bloomington.
On the discovery of different forms of Triturus in embryonic and larval stages.
Short note on pyhrogaster. On job opportunities for Barden.
On Robert Barden and his work on the origin and development of the iris pigment.
Letter to Trinkaus thanking him for his paper, "Mechanisms of Morphogenetic Movements"
On hiring Miss Eggers, on the death of Dr. Taylor.
On the length of the proposed chapters of 'Analysis of Development'; on revisions of chapter 1.
On the visit of Jean Demal to Hamburger's department. Hamburger is considering to apply for a Fulbright Fellowship for 1954-55 to spend a semester at Wolff's laboratory. Reference to letter demal19531206.pdf
Thank-you note for the invitation to Wolff's laboratory and a reference: Ancel & Vintemberger.
On Wolff's film on organ culture. Hamburger plans to visit Wolff's laboratory in 1960 although he did not receive a Flubright grant.
Hamburger invites Wolff to his department.
Hamburger declines Woodcock's request to work at his laboratory due to funding issues.
Has a short cv of Hamburger. Gives titles of upcoming talks at Williams College: 'Some Current issues in Developmental Neurobiology' & 'Physiological Aspects of Pre-natal Motility in Birds and Mammals'.
Thank-you note for two letters. Short note on an upcoming lecture on Prenatal behaviour in higher Vertebrates.
Letter of recommendation for Byron S. Wenger for an appointment as embryologist at the Department of Zoology at the University of Washington.
Letter of recommendation for Donald Wigston for an open position at University of Washington.
