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Cowles is seated with his body angled to the left of the frame, looking away and to the left. There is an open book in the extreme foreground, and bare shelves behind him.
Farr is seated at a table with an open book, and a microscope with two objectives. The microscope holds a glass dish with clear fluid. She is looking at the camera, her body angled very slightly to the right of the frame.
Pearse is seated at a worktable, facing the camera. There is a binocular dissecting scope on the table, to his left.
Cole is seated at a worktable with a pencil in his right hand and an open notebook. There is a spool of twine in the foreground, and shelves holding various instruments in the background. Cole is looking at the camera, his body angled to the right of the frame.
Peabody is seated at a table with a microscope with three objectives. She is looking through the microscope, and her right hand is holding a pencil poised over a stack of paper, as if to take notes of her observations. She is oriented to the right of the frame.
Sparrow is seated at a worktable with a microscope with three objectives. There is a pipe in his right hand, and he appears to be holding a slide with his left hand. He is looking at the camera, with his body oriented to the left of the frame. There are beakers with clear fluid in the foreground, and a set of metal dissecting tools including scissors and forceps to his left
Buch is seated, holding a long glass pipette with two marks on it. Behind him are shelves containing numerous stoppered or corked jars of various sizes, and a set of test tubes in a holder. Buch is fully facing the camera.
Hotchkiss is seated at a desk with a typewriter. She is looking at the camera and her body is oriented to the right of the frame.
Rakestraw is seated with his body oriented to the right of the frame, and his head turned left to look at the camera. There is laboratory glassware behind him, and the back walls may be chalkboards.
Fish is seated at a desk, holding a pipe in his right hand. There are shelves behind and to the right of him containing a few books. His body is angled to the left of the frame, and he is looking at the camera.
Renn is seated at a worktable with a single objective microscope. He is looking at the camera, and his body is oriented to the left of the frame. There are two glass slides next to his left hand, and a container with many slides on the table to his right. There is a small black case with a strap on the table against the wall, and the shelves in the background contain books and papers
Soule is seated at a table with a pen and open notebook. His body is angled slightly to the right of the frame, and he is looking at the camera. In the foreground are two planks of wood with evenly sized and spaced holes cut into them.
