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On Hamburger's review of Needham's 'Biochemistry and Morphogenesis'. On the review process for Sol Spiegelman's manuscript. On Hamburger's summer at Woods Hole.
On his invitation to the Montevideo Miedical School in Uruguay.
On the arrival of his new collaborator Rita Levi-Montalcini. On Yamado's experiments with A. punctatum. On obtaining frog eggs. On the technique of hypoph. injection. On their planned book.
On Holtfreter's criticism of Weiss.
On Willier's plans to spend the summer in Woods Hole.
On Holtfreter's visa approval. Inivitation to St. Louis.
Proposing a review by Jane Oppenheimer on comparative gastrulation in vertebrates.
Typewritten letter, 1 page, signed 'Wally'
Handwritten letter, 2 pages, signed 'Wally'
Typewritten letter, 2 pages, signed 'Wally'
