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Group of people on the beach, one has umbrella, some art swimming in the water and others stand on the shore
MBL Faculty photo without hats. 5 men stand in back against building, five men sit in front, all either have hats on laps or in hands, looking at camera.
MBL Faculty photo with hats on. 5 men stand in back against building, five men sit in front, all with hats on, looking at camera.
Approximately two dozen people on the shore with collecting nets. Many of whom are in hats. The women have their skirts rolled up. In the background is a boat.
A line of people walking out through the marsh towards a lake, their backs to the camera. Telephone poles and wires visible in the background.
Man sitting at desk with advanced microscope in front of him, looking at camera.
Five men, including Capt. Veeder, standing on the Cayadetta with cabin in background and Cayadetta name visible. The men are looking at the camera.
Lillie Auditorium during the 1940s
E.G. Conklin seated in rocking chair on what appears to be a porch, in the sun, with his son on his lap.
A photo of the painting of Charles R. Crane that hangs in the auditorium of Lillie. Man is seated in a chair.
Man sitting at desk in the library stacks.
Emperor Hirohito seated, signing a book with four men standing behind him.
