Trinkaus, John Phillip - Papers
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus concludes his notes on Hans Spemann and Historical Background from page 51-55 with a summary of the different biologists understandings of the chemical basis of induction following Spemann
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes on "The Squid Spermatophore" with 4 diagrams and information about reproduction in Cephalopoda and Chectocotylus
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus continues notes from page 57 on the reproductive adaptations and copulation of octopods and squid with two diagrams
Notes from Hubert Goodrich's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on the development of Mendelian characters from page 29 with information on 'Pigment formation'. Includes a discussion of pigment formation in the Paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) and the goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Notes from Hubert Goodrich's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on the development of Mendelian characters from pages 29 and 30 with information on the "Conflict between cell mutliplication and cell division". Trinkaus takes notes on "Scale transplantation" in Slippery Dick (Halichoeres bivittatus) and includes a section on "Gordan's work"
Notes from Hubert Goodrich's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from pages 29-31 on the development of Mendelian characters with a few final lines on the "Cells of Species"
Notes from W.R. Duryee's lecture. Trinkaus takes notes on "Colloidal composition of the egg nucleus", including diagrams
Notes from W.R. Duryee's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from page 33 and 34, on the effects of fixatives and the actions of chromosomes
Notes from W.R. Duryee's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from page 33-35 on the appearance, nature, and action of chromosomes and the effects of different fixatives
Notes from William Ballard's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes from page 38 on gastrulation in Coelenterates, with a list of different patterns of cell movement during gastrulation.
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on Hans Spemann and Historical Background from page 51, with points about what Spemann learned from his work on Amphibia in 1893
Notes from Viktor Hamburger's lecture. Trinkaus continues his notes on Hans Spemann and Historical Background from page 51-53 with discussion of Spemann's transplantation experiments on the crested newt (T. cristatus) and the smooth newt (T. taeniatus)