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Moore, Alicia Hills - Photographs

One .tiff and one .jpeg file
Man walking through a field carrying a seabird.
Professor Kempton working on a dogfish with a female observing.
Botany students preparing to leave Penikese.
People standing on sidewalk, stairs and porch of the Mess Hall
View of Lillie Building from shore of Eel Pond. Man working on boat in foreground
Photo taken from back of Lillie building showing Ebert Hall dormitory and part of Eel Pond.
Two men preparing a siene to fish in the oyster pond.
Woman lying on rock wall while man tries to place small rock on her. Appears to be a prank.
Person looking at Anderson School memorial plaque mounted on rock
Flock of seabirds above field with lamb's ear plants.
Two men unloading tubs from boat at MBL dock. Three other men working on dock.
