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Black Album 1

N. Borodin sitting at a desk.
Mrs. Edith L. Wile sitting at a desk with a book sitting in front of her. A picture frame hangs on the wall behind her.
Hitchcock is seated at a desk with papers and books on it.
Mathilde M. Lange sitting at a table with a book in front of her. Behind her is another table with various glassware scattered on it.
Kingsley is sitting next to a table, with a pipe in his right hand.
Mrs. and Dr. W. E. deMol at a table. Dr. deMol is sitting at the table writing in a book with a microscope and other tools sitting nearby as Mrs. deMol stands looking over his shoulder.
W. E. deMol sitting at a desk holding a book. There is a microscope sitting on the desk in front of him and he is facing the camera.
A road is shown with two parked cars. Various buildings and telephone poles can be seen lining the road.
Wiktor Z. Tychowsky sitting next to a table indoors.
James Mavor sitting at his lab bench looking off into the distance with left hand on a microscope. Book shelf in background and some papers on the table next to his elbow.
Cattell standing, facing the camera, with a pipe in his left hand. His arms are rested against a fence behind him.
MacInnis standing in front of a bunch of trees facing the camera, in a white dress. Her hands are together in front of her and she has a watch on her left hand.
