Black Album 1
Knower is standing outside with his hands at his sides, looking at the camera. He is holding what looks like a hat in his right hand.
Graves is standing outside on a dirt road. He is holding a newspaper and hat in his left hand.
Lefevre is standing outside, in front of the open window of a brick building. He is holding his hat in his right hand.
Mast is sitting on the steps of a brick building, arms folded across his knees. The door to the building is behind him to his left.
Mast is standing outdoors, looking toward the right frame of the photograph with his hands behind his back. He is wearing an open jacket over a white shirt and bowtie.
Winkley sitting on a stone wall with her right arm wrapped around a dog.
Alvarez sitting in an office, facing the camera.
Parker is seated on a low stone wall facing the camera with his ankles crossed. There is a building and a grass lawn in the background, and he is holding a hat in his hands.
An unidentified man standing in front of a large body of water. He is holding a hat in his left hand and a boat can be seen on the water behind him.
Blake sitting at his lab bench working with a microscope.
Mathilde M. Lange sitting at a table with a book in front of her. Behind her is another table with various glassware scattered on it.
Nina Kobelt sitting at a desk examining papers. Behind her against the wall are file drawers.